Monday, November 19, 2012

Just Run's Winter Maintenance program starts NEXT Thursday, 11/29/12 at 9:30.  We will run together once or twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays for 8 weeks. 
The program entails:
  • a maintenance running plan for those who have already run a 5K
  • once or twice weekly coached group runs
While there is no "planned" 5K goal race at the end of the program, the group may decide to run a race in February to test our 5K fitness.  Registration for that race will be the responsibility of each individual runner.
The cost of this Maintenance Plan is $40.  You can pay by check at the first meeting, or you can click on the link on the right hand of the screen and pay with PayPal.
Feel free to invite your friends to run with you!  This is not a beginner group, but anyone that can run up to 2 miles continuously is welcome!
The Just Run Fall 5K running group just ran their goal race, The City of Gaithersburg's Run Under the Lights 5K at Seneca Creek State Park on 11/17/2012. 
What a fantastic night for  a run.  The lights were gorgeous, the crowds were manageable, the course was difficult (but not impossible). 
We all started out running together, but quickly found our own paces and ran the race in our own way.  I am so proud of my group!  They were committed to their training each week for the 10 week session, and their commitment to their training showed in their results.